TTRPGs and Me

I'm obsessed with TTRPGs, especially Dungeons and Dragons! I started playing DnD 5e in 2020! Since then I've played DnD 5e, Wanderhome, Pathfinder 2e, Starfinder 2e, Kids on Bikes, Bleak Spirit, Final Girl, Girl by Moonlight, Werewolf the Apocalypse,and Vampire the Masquerade. All my characters are black/black-coded even if they're not a human-adjacent species!

My first character ever was a Grung named Rawhide Kobayashi. He was beloved Gloom Stalker Ranger who was a pink-heart covered frog who was good a murder, but preferred non-violent approaches if possible. Unfortunately that campagain fizzled out and we never went back to it. I was still desperate to play.

I joined the 3 Black Halfling's server and made friends, got known as the Grung/frog lover and eventually met 2 wonderful groups I play with on Mondays and Tuesdays. Within those groups, I played as my beloved Cherry and Delphi.

DnD 5e

I've most of my games in this system! I've played a ton of mini campaigns, full campaigns, and one-shots. I have yet to run a game in DnD.

Favourite Class(es) Ranger and Sorcerer
Favourite Sublass(es) Gloom Stalker Ranger, Wild Magic Sorcerer
Favourite Species Grung, Tabaxi, Tiefling, Plasmoid, Thri-kreen, Fairy
Favourite PCs Cherry, Rawhide, Delphi, Mimi

Pathfinder 2e

I'm still pretty new to this system and played a handful of characters in one-shots and 1 longform game so far.

Favourite Class(es) Ranger
Favourite Ancestries Tripkee, Poppet, Leshy, Surki, Catfolk
Favourite PCs Sola, Lovey, Pompom