Cherome "Cherry" Sedum
She's my sweet little frog-angel who's something of a witch!
Playbook | The Witch |
Animal Form | Cape Rain Frog Aasimar |
You can always... |
You are alive. Describe your care | Your care is patient, stubborn, and deeply felt. |
Describe your personality |
Describe your look |
Advancements |
Choose 2 ways others describe you that you endure with good grace, and 2 that you hold close to your heart. | 2 you endure with good grace:
Choose 1 that you carry close to your heart, and 1 you’re afraid might be losing its magic. |
Choose 1 kind of magic you’ve had since childhood that comes to you as easy as smiling, 2 you’ve cradled like glowing embers with a steadfast and quiet care, and 1 that you have shared freely with another and can no longer call yours. | Childhood
Ask to your left, ask to your right |